Cutting edge formability


Influence of the cutting edge on the formability of AHSS materials

This ReCIMP project, in compliance with Faurecia Autositze GmbH, is the experimental and numerical investigation of the residual formability available at the fine blanked edges of sheet metal. The focus is on the sensitivity of the sheared edges to form cracks when subjected to stretch bending/flanging in high strength Dual-Phase Steels and Micro-alloyed Steels. The results of this research work will provide a method to predict the limit to which a sheared edge can be deformed without failure.

High-strength steel sheets, which allow the design of efficient lightweight applications tend to be sensitive to crack formation on cutting edges. This can actually lead to part failure during forming processes that follow upstream cutting operations. To classify materials for the use in various forming processes, the influence of the cutting edge on formability was established. State of the art to accomplish this task is the use of the ISO hole
expansion test. In the project, additional methods for material characterization are developed in cooperation with Faurecia and compared with results of the ISO test.

 Project duration:

01.10.2014 - 31.03.2017


Mr. Dipl.-Ing. Daniel Staupendahl